
Baking and Cooking Advice

Three Creative Catering Ideas for Your Next Company Event

Whether you are hosting a corporate event to meet with clients and investors, celebrate a milestone, or even raise funds, catering is an integral part of the party. A well-catered event with sumptuous meals and heartwarming drinks can go a long way in making the guests feel appreciated. Good food can lighten the mood at the event and play a role towards achieving the ultimate goal of the occasion. For this reason, a lot of consideration should be put into the catering process. Here are some few brilliant ideas that you can utilize to take your formal event catering to the next level.

Consider the guests' preferences

Have you ever hosted a party where the attendees didn't like your catering options? If so, you may have an idea of how much it stings to throw or give away food after spending a fortune on it. To avoid such an incidence, you can subtly ask your guests what they would prefer to be served in the event. For instance, on the registration page, you can add a section that asks the guests what food or beverage choices they would prefer. Alternatively, you can provide a short list that allows them to tick the food categories they would prefer.

Go for exotic foods

A corporate event gives people an opportunity to explore unique foods that they don't consume on a daily basis. Don't disappoint them by serving everyday foods. In fact, common foods usually lead to a sub-standard event. Entice your guests with exotic and creative mouthwatering dishes, and this could end up adding life to the party. If you are hosting guests from varying cultures, you can consider trying out various cuisines to allow the guests experiment with foods from different parts of the continent.

Choose a food theme

Most people are used to hosting themed parties, but these only apply to dress code and décor. Think about creating a food theme as well to add creativity to the occasion. The theme can match the event location. For example, if you are hosting an outdoor party, you can go for BBQ dishes, roasted vegetables and other foods that are usually served in an outdoor setting. Alternatively, you can have a theme where one ingredient features in all the dishes. For example, a bacon theme would include bacon entrées, bacon donuts, and of course bacon cocktails.

The food in your event can dramatically transform the party for better or worse. Have these creative catering ideas in mind to present food that allows your guests to have a great experience in the event.

About Me

Baking and Cooking Advice

Hello! I'm Diana. This blog is dedicated to the subject of baking and cooking. I am not a professional baker or a chef. Everything I have learnt, I have taught myself using books. Well, that isn't strictly true. My mother and my aunt also used to give me some great advice when I needed help with a tricky recipe. Now that I have retired, I have plenty of time to cook and bake for my friends and family and I wanted to make a place where I could store all the advice I have in one place. That place is this blog. Enjoy!



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